Contracts and Deposits

Getting contracts signed with non refundable deposits are a key to ensure you start the event process well.   There will be times when clients change their mind or try to renegotiate after signing so this protects you.

I have dealt with tough clients and the most important tip is to stay with the facts and contract terms once they are signed.  Unless you know the client well or they are a popular company, I also suggest to collect final payment at least a week before the event to avoid chasing money.   There are times when a client may say we want to make sure you show up which is  legit question.  You an reassure them and have them send the balance once you show up.  Anyone not on board with that term is probably not going to be an easy client.

If there are any red flags or indications of getting paid, it is better to pass on the job if the client seems difficult or you cannot come to terms.  Also it is good to take photos and videos at the event to prove you provided everything that was contracted to not only protect yourself but get some good footage from the event for marketing purposes.

Reach out to me if there is ever a question and I would be happy to give my opinion at no charge.  Todd Elliot   [email protected]