Drive by Party with Entertainment, Music using social distancing during Virus

A new creative way to still have a party is to have a drive by with guests staying in their cars using social distancing.ย  Todd Elliot Entertainment provides this kind of fun service.ย ย  Some options including Circus/juggler acts, mime performance and magic at least 6-8′ away.ย  Cars will slowly drive while the various acts perform kind of like you at a circus yet with multiple performers happening at the same time.ย  Cars can go slow around to see what they missed the first time or pull over to not block anyone and continue watching. ย  May 3rd is the next drive by Todd Elliot has just booked.ย  What a fun way to celebrate a special occasionย  during the virus situation with most everything closed.ย ย ย  Other ideas proposed for future parties include live or dj music, caricature artist drawings, impersonator/look a likes & dancers.